Coffee farmer Julian Pinilla uses a coffee grinder during an interview with AFP in Valle del Cauca, Colombia on June 22, 2023. In a coffee-growing region of Colombia, a group of farmers have declared a truce with an indigenous inhabitant they once hunted but now hail -- the "Spectacled Bear" of the tropical Andes. Calling a halt to their forest encroachment, the farmers are instead sacrificing parts of their land for the benefit of South America's last surviving bear species in a major about-turn that has benefited both sides. (Photo by Juan RESTREPO / AFP)
Redacción: Junior Solano - Periodista TRO DigitalEn 2024, la economía de Santander registró un incremento del 2,2%, superando el promedio del 1,8% alcanzado por otros departamentos de la región nororiental,…